Rabu, 12 Desember 2007
Pusing dengan Senyuman
I've been on a wild whirl of life. We finally got our national creative writing competition approved, but we need to change our topic and title and we need to get moneyyy! So all you big spenders out there, beware - I'm coming for you! ;)
So the competition is one thing that's made my stomach turn and make me pusing amongst many other things. Yet to some extent this feeling makes me feel like I'm doing something good to keep my brain moving you know? And when times get rough I take a look at pictures like this one with my students and senyum at their kick arse percussion instruments -- drum duct taped up the wazoo, a chair, and the floor as instruments that they smack with hands and drum sticks or at least half of a drum stick. It sounded good too! Remind me to show you the video of this when I see yas.
Other video opportune moments was at this huge food court when my girl MC Peaches rapped/spoken worded about love -- and then Corey and I had a nice and embarrassing moment singing completely wrong words to "Every Breath You Take" oh man - we were glad when that was over - then made them let me try to redeem myself with "The Rose." I sucked, but it was times like this I was thankful to be in a country where they get that I always love to sing and dance - and it's not THAT weird.... (except when I look Indo and can't sing Indo songs. :S) BUT what was even cooler was that I was with my Bahasa Indo teachers, capoeira friends, Fulbright ETA friends, and new English teacher friends. Such a random group!
On to today -- I'm in the beginning of a backpacking trip at our 1st stop in Jogja in transit for a day before hitting up Surabaya on my way to BALI! yes again, but this time for Capoeira Senzala's Batizado! Wootywooo! Been playing a lot which has been a nice balance to other random craziness em minha vida. Here's a pic of one of our performances at the MIT of Indo ITB - Institut Teknologi Bandung - where I play pretty often.
Well, ya'll are in my thoughts and I miss yas muchly, whether I'm playing capoeira, dancing the night away, teaching amazing but nakal kids, planning a nation-wide competition, speaking Indonesian, Spanish, or Portuguese, chillin with fam at grandpas, driving people around, talking over shisha (hooka) n cervezas, performing, trying to samba, or just looking at pictures for extended periods of time on my laptop or behind my closed abnormal eyelids. :P Props to you if you know what I'm talkin' about.
Thank you for all of you that have been so very helpful this past month. I haven't ever had to rely on people (besides my parents and sibs) as much as I have this past month. Terima kasih banyak.
Senin, 19 November 2007
highlights of past weeks
So I tried to post something last week but the internet crashed and I lost a lot of writing about my whereabouts the past couple weeks. So here I am trying again a bit late I know. Sorry.
Here are the highlights. Read what’s in CAPS if you’re too lazy to read it all :P
1) I’m MOVING. I don’t know where to quite yet but there’s some major mold growth goin on in my house and the water pressure and quality is not so groovy. One night I didn’t take a shower because I just couldn't after 30mins of killing about 23 cockroaches coming out of my bathroom. Then a few days later I didn’t shower because the water pressure was like cold drizzling rain out of 4 holes of my showerhead .. and there are some days I have to brush my teeth with the bottled water cuz it looks like what's in that green bucket of tap water. So when the mold was growing to the point where I felt like I was breathing in a sauna I decided to move to my grandpas temporarily. A friend of ours, fellow ETA in Bukitinggi, Padang, Sumatera had a lot of mold in his house and now he is in the health care of Jakarta pollution diagnosed with bronchitis. Finding a decent place to stay for 6 more months is just not that easy though so I might be staying at my grandpas. I have been at my Opa’s for the past week and it’s been pretty funny as he’s 95, deaf, and delusional sometimes.
3) This past weekend in Jakarta I met a Brazilian Contre Mestre of Capoeira and Columbiano salsa teachers, so I got to practice my ESPANOL and PORTUGUES! As well as Indonesian and English ;)
4) In days before this weekend I have hit up HOT SPRINGS an hour up in the hills, played with FIREWORKS, and had an amazing BBQ with the neighborhood I’m very sad to leave. (P.S. Many Indos don’t believe black mold is bad for people, so some think we’re a bit strange to complain about it. They think our friend has bronchitis for some other reason.)
5) The students are wonderful! They rocked this CHANGE THE WORLD creative writing project based off the song “With My Own Two Hands” by Jack Johnson and Ben Harper. Credit to Jamie for it being her idea. Next up I think I want to work a Michael Franti song… maybe “Bomb the World” with an article about Franti in Iraq. But that’s deep … hum. But some students are capable of ideas like: “Money has become our god/To buy things that do not last;” ““I think USA is enourmous country but sometimes I think USA is greedy country because USA pleasure to appress another country;” “smile like virus (contagious).” Even if the words or grammar aren’t there, the ideas are provocative eh?
My English Club students are mantap! Awesome! We watched Take the Lead and talked about educational issues and motorcycle gangs in Indonesia and US. Some of them can even hardcore debate on issues such as uniforms, arranged marriage, and authority through fear. Psh’yah I’m learnin a lot too.
Ok mis sayangs, thanks for reading. Holler back youngin’. Oooo oooooooo!
Jumat, 26 Oktober 2007
We’re tossing around the topic idea of Gandhi’s “We must be the change we wish to see in the world,” or a Kennedy quote, or something else along the lines of Fulbright’s mission for mutual understanding between nations. Perhaps a quote from his book, Arrogance of Power.
This week I’ve been gathering writing samples from students to hopefully motivate sponsors to give us some moola. Today my 10th graders rocked on this activity about being world leaders and writing ideas of what they thought are the world’s biggest problems. Among the 50 something issues raised, my favorites are: global warming - destroys the ozone layer, melts the north pole, and makes land sink – such as Indonesia; creating diplomatic relations between countries; war between America and “Irak;” and Malaysia stealing Indonesia’s songs!
It’s really great to be back in Bandung with these awesome students. Apparently I’m one of the luckiest because other ETAs said that their students really can’t speak English too well, and their areas are pretty secluded. I had the chance to chill with about 12 of the other ETAs out in Bunaken under the sea, Manado, and Yogyakarta.
Had a short refresher dive after 7 yrs in Bunaken, and in the following dives I saw a lot of pretty fish and coral, a ship wreck, and went night diving and had glowing things, red worms and freaky fish swim all around. Purty sweet.
Breathing under water again was definitely a highlight of the trip, but chillin with Bunaken locals (diving crew to the left) was pretty awesome too! The kids there (not in pic) were my tour guides, and we jumped off the dock, n played water football and marco-polo :) and they even brought me mangos one day when I was sick. I miss them.
In Yogya we saw the famous Borobodor (left pic is of D and I reaching for Buddah's left foot for good luck) and many other sights including the “sex temple” in Solo (right pic). Yeah… history and Indonesia today don’t really match in my head. I haven’t quite figured out the social dynamics of Indonesia – everyone has a different take on social norms… but I’ve noticed amongst the 31 ETAs, we have pretty different ideas of America’s norms.
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007
3:30am Breakfast call!
Specifically I’m thinking of puasa – Ramadaan – fasting. People have different reasons for fasting – or for believing in anything right? The beautiful thing about puasa for me is that everyone recognizes it, and once the sun goes down it is a time in which we can all be thankful for the food and community around us. In the beginning of puasa I went to Capoeira from 4-6pm. Everyone was pretty exhausted but it was still a pretty tough practice. Around 5pm I was excited to see the sun going down so that I could have some water. By 5:48ish :P the prayer sounded and everyone cheered and ran to their water and snacks. I was thankful to have some water and I had lunch that day! Everyone shared their treats and we played around a bit more.
A couple days ago I talked on the radio about this and they had asked if we have fasted at all. Jamie and I had fasted for 8hrs while we were working, but never the full 14hrs. So today was the first day we fasted like many around us. We had sahur at 3:30am with some of the family members from next door, and I had my last sip of water at 4am. It really wasn’t bad at all with just spurts of hunger or thirst, and a bit of tiredness and crankiness. By 6pm it wasn’t really a rush for food, but it was nice to be with people that immediately brought us water and snacks, with dinner that followed. It’s like open family dinners all around.
Yesterday I took some studio pics with the English club and then we had buka puasa (breaking fasting) for the day at a food court of a nearby mall. Bandung ppl love their malls ;) Bandung is the Paris of Java – home of the Gedung Satay, SMAN 11, good lookin’ men, no drugs, and rebellion… riiight. Ooo I should use that for a quick True or False quiz :P
Now my school is in their pesantren week – their week of religious study. Then the Ramadaan break starts next week until Oct. 21. So I’m off to Manado – Bunaken to go scuba diving for a week, and then I’ll be in Yogyakarta for a bit. Abracos y saludos. And for all yas fasting, much respect and I hope you're getting some beautiful community love or at least a refreshed body. ;)
PS. I taught the capoeira crew here: “Obrigada/Obrigado; de nada; boa noite; cuidado; voce tambem.” teehee!
Minggu, 23 September 2007
So true. Maybe proper use of language is good for when I should wear a suit, but I don't like dressing up. ahm. So I'm looking up quotes to share with my students... maybe I'll use idioms every day from this idiom book or a cool quote such as the one above. Any quotes or idioms ya'll recommend? Or any good comic strips for role play? Or fill in the bubble.
Anyhow here’s a pic of the little alley I take sometimes on my walk to school with a becak guy biking down to find some clients. You wouldn't really realize these cute alleys from driving around in the crowded and polluted area of South Bandung, but then again maybe you wouldn't think there are pretty rice fields either.
Senin, 17 September 2007
More pics :)
Anyhow, so Bali was splendid as you can imagine :) With lots of family in a beautiful hotel on the beach, an amazing wedding, and rafting on a surf board. I can't say I really surfed, because I didn't really get to a full stand - just kind of a mini attempt to stand that you would make on a flimsy raft.
In Bali we stayed in Kuta - where there was a carnival and most the wedding festivities. We also took a day trip to Ubud where we walked around, passed by monkeys, and visited the Blanco museum (supposedly the Dali of Bali, but I like Dali better.) The pic is my fam at the gorgeous museum.
The other pics are from the wedding, but these only capture 1/4 of the beauty. It wasn't a tres Indonesian wedding so sorry ya'll that were expecting exotic photos. Perhaps in another episode. Stay tuned.
Minggu, 16 September 2007
Alls peachy :)
Anyhow, many of yas have emailed me concerned because of the recent earthquakes. I was actually driving at the time from Tegal (Central Java) to Bandung (West Java).... Although my fam in Tegal felt the quakes, I only felt my stomach turning upside down from driving in Indo. Thank you all for your concern.
There are many stories to tell, but for now, here's some evidence to let you know I'm alright:
Senin, 27 Agustus 2007
Random shout outs... find yours!
Yeahh all this language learning and teaching and traveling is making me reminisce about so much and making me want to know all languages….now! Being here I’ve developed even more of an appreciation for my teachers of all kinds – my parents, all parents, my sibs, coaches, mestres, friends, teachers at school who’ve helped get me here and spent the time teach me the wonders of people, life, dance, art, music, rhetoric and communication… tools to see the world in a way that’s so my style. Yeah. Extraño uds mucho. Uds que puedo entenderme. Tengo multicultural withdrawal. Yo comí nachos en Jakarta sabado y en lugar salsa habia ketchup. Me gusta ketchup en mi ketchup pero con mis nachos… no gracias. Por supuesto lo comí pero no estaban nachos buenos. Pero! Habia algunos veces escuchamos Corazon Espinado y Oye Mi Canto en los antros aca. Woooo! Hey que bueno y un poco triste que estoy pensando en bahasa indo cuando yo trato a escribir en espanol. Pero mas que la comida extranio la gente y hay mucho aca como mercados, street performers/beggars, y siempre musica y danza. Toda la gente aca encanta chillin ;) supuestamente hay mucho gente que puede bailar salsa – hay muchos que quieren aprender. Mis professoras en mi escuela quieren que yo las ensene salsa. Oh! Y aprendi un poco de tango de mi amiga! Yeaaa.
E amanha eu vou a Capoeira en oa Universidad de nina, luka, lia e angga - mis primos y amigos. Eu estou muito emocionada! Emm eu estaba practicando mis movimientos en un antro se llama embassy - estaba R&B noite – yo comence? Uma roda de baila! Perdi poppin, lockin e breakin, pero tengo mis flips todavia :P
So… Ma, don’t get mad – I’ll translate this to you when I see you in a week for Imron’s wedding! Wooo! And any others – holler at me if you want to know wussup – I just need to practice mis lenguas – my languages. I don't think there is anyone I know that understands all of this. cool! ahm.
Turus...on my long rides to and from Jakarta I did a lot of thinking and as a result I’m giving some random shout outs. (man my music is so good that I got – como 500 lagu lagu/canciones 70 cents per CD). Anyway though – on to today – which was oh so groovy besides the 50 mosquito bites I just got from leaving my room door open! Arg. Ahm so today was the first day I formally taught lesson plans! For the past week I had been observing/being on the hot seat with 70million questions. You’d be surprised at some of the questions they gave me! About my thoughts on “Iraq aggression,” Muslims in America, who I’m dating, why I’m not married, if the guys are better in US or Indonesia, and if I will stay in Bandung forever. Haha! They’re pretty wonderful and instead of giving me any problems, they are making my day every day! I’m so lucky! After the 70million questions one of the teachers had asked them to write a paragraph about what they learned about me and some did just that while others actually wrote letters to me. Here are just a few quotes that make me smile: “In our class, she can make me happy and make situation not boring.” “She’s also dance with my friends. She looks so funny!” “mmm, are you thinking of moving to Bandung permanently, so I can study English with you.” Actually I met a tarot card reader the other day for free at this restaurant and with my basic understanding of Indonesian I learned that Indonesia is where my luck lies. I’m supposedly lucky in Bandung for this year, but after that Bandung will not be good for me. Apparently I will receive some great opportunity soon and I should stay in Indonesia because the US or any other country is not good for me. I’m sure she more eloquently said these things but with my Indo I only understood – good, bad, lucky. :P I mean who can turn down: “Overall, I’m really loves Jessica.” I’m really lovin it here, but really missing you all more than you know. Often times I wish you were here to experience this with me. Cheerio lads and lassies!
Pic. 2 - Something I drew/wrote during orientation. Fits my mood now.
Pic. 3 - Some of the boyz from SMA11 :)
Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2007
Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2007
Ups and downs of being sick in Indo
I was supposed to go out to celebrate a friend's bday today, but instead she came and visited me. It is really a beautiful thing that everyone visits you when you're ill. My first day at school I visited the headmaster's wife in the hospital, and another teacher sick at home -- it was a bit uncomfortable on both ends for me bc I guess I just don't want to be seen by all when I'm stuck in bed or in the bathroom, but it's all love here no matter what :P
So here's a pic of some of my friends, a couple of whom visited me today. The asian folks, Lia & Angga, coincidentally go to the same university as my cousin, nina. But actually I met them as relatives of one of my Fulbright guides/leader ppl... They have been awesome hosts to Bandung outside of training. and the bules in the pic are a few of my fav fellow ETAs always down for everything - Ken in North Central Java, John in West Kalimatan and Danielle aka Peaches in Medan.and as I wrote before here's a pic of the outside of mi casa here in Bandung. A bit prettier outside than it is inside. but it'll do esp since my situation sounds a lot better than others.
and here's a pic of my first hiking trip here. been groovy times so far and these pics are only a few glimpses of the many awesome experiences here. sooo you should visit to get more of an inside scoop ;)But as for SMAN 11 where I'm teaching - it's a pretty highschool with palm trees and a kantin/cafeteria and one squatter for all teachers. wooo. I haven't really gotten a chance to chill with the students yet bc the past couple days have been just preperation/celebration for MERDEKA! Indonesian independence day that was yesterday. So I've been mostly chillin with the teachers, visiting sick teachers, and playing games with them to celebrate indep day. There was a flag ceremony with all sorts of saluting and then there was a 40min march around school, and then we played some 5 on 5 soccer while karaoke and dancing was going on. I felt pretty Indonesian as I was playing soccer while dancing and singing. People are always dancing here. I don't feel so weirdddd now! haha.
aritey homeys. Mosquitos are eating me here so I think I'm going to have some Pocardi Sweat (salty gatorade) and then crawl back into bed.
till next time.
Kamis, 16 Agustus 2007
Kamar di Jalan Deleg
mi casa en Bandung
I WISH! haha. It's really one of my favorite places to be in the world today. Along with the beautiful view comes, food that's magnus, a great owner, beautiful view, and some hooba hooba aka Shisha in Bahasa Indo, or hooka in bule language.
A place to medidate. Un lugar para fiestar. Tempat untuk makan. A place I can reflect and wish yas were here!
hmm... instructions in Bahasa Indo
Testing. Testing. Satu, dua, tiga...