Minggu, 23 September 2007


Carl Sandburg - “Slang is language that takes off its coat, spits on its hands, and goes to work.”

So true. Maybe proper use of language is good for when I should wear a suit, but I don't like dressing up. ahm. So I'm looking up quotes to share with my students... maybe I'll use idioms every day from this idiom book or a cool quote such as the one above. Any quotes or idioms ya'll recommend? Or any good comic strips for role play? Or fill in the bubble.

Anyhow here’s a pic of the little alley I take sometimes on my walk to school with a becak guy biking down to find some clients. You wouldn't really realize these cute alleys from driving around in the crowded and polluted area of South Bandung, but then again maybe you wouldn't think there are pretty rice fields either.
Everyday Indonesian pride is present and I love passing the flags, becaks, ankots, rice fields, food markets (even though they smell like dirty flies atop stinky fish) and a quaint little residential/market area with tall walls.... yeah.

Welp please pass on any suggestions for teaching these kids as I hope to have a bit more liberty AND organization with teaching these kids in a fun way. Cheerio!

Senin, 17 September 2007

More pics :)

Yoyoyoyoyoyo! :PSo I actually went for a bit of a driving lesson with one of my cool fellow teachers, and we visited a sick student at home with about 12 other people - students and teachers. Then we dropped off some people and did some errands so I didn't eat until around 3pm. I need to learn to eat some bigger breakfasts.

Anyhow, so Bali was splendid as you can imagine :) With lots of family in a beautiful hotel on the beach, an amazing wedding, and rafting on a surf board. I can't say I really surfed, because I didn't really get to a full stand - just kind of a mini attempt to stand that you would make on a flimsy raft.

In Bali we stayed in Kuta - where there was a carnival and most the wedding festivities. We also took a day trip to Ubud where we walked around, passed by monkeys, and visited the Blanco museum (supposedly the Dali of Bali, but I like Dali better.) The pic is my fam at the gorgeous museum.

The other pics are from the
wedding, but these only capture 1/4 of the beauty. It wasn't a tres Indonesian wedding so sorry ya'll that were expecting exotic photos. Perhaps in another episode. Stay tuned.

Minggu, 16 September 2007

Alls peachy :)

Heyas! I'm going to keep this short because I'm quite hungry and have to scurry off home to eat. It's considered quite rude to eat or drink in public during Ramadaan here (bulan puasa). So actually school ends earlier -- 11:55am instead of 2 or 3pm.

Anyhow, many of yas have emailed me concerned because of the recent earthquakes. I was actually driving at the time from Tegal (Central Java) to Bandung (West Java).... Although my fam in Tegal felt the quakes, I only felt my stomach turning upside down from driving in Indo. Thank you all for your concern.
There are many stories to tell, but for now, here's some evidence to let you know I'm alright:

Peachalicious baby.
Photo Copyright: Jeff Loman