Oooo this is a good lesson plan! What are your New Year resolutions? (feel free to post your answer – we’ll keep you accountable.)
Orale. So instead of chillin with my high school crew in FL this year (which I missed muchly), I was on the opposite side of the world with my Bandung and Jakarta Capoeira crews. Bandung was rowdy man! Like it was midnight from sunset until 1am! We played until we got rained out at 11pm… then played some more from like 1-3am. Teehee! Someone once told me that if you’re a capoeirista, you’ll be welcomed like family by other capoeiristas all around the world. So far that’s proven to be true in the 10 cities I’ve played.
I traversed Java to get to Bali with a couple of my Capoeira chicos for Senzala’s 1st batizado in Bali (Capoeira convention) ft. Mestre Gato, Mestre Ousado, C.Mestre Gatinho, C. Mestre Bangu e otros… It was about a 2 ½ day trip with a brief stop in Jogja and the rest of the time on trains, train station floors, and a ferry with a sick beat. :P It was beautiful and it makes me soooooo mad to see so many people littering and polluting here! I yell at the offenders, usually my friends, and they laugh and then forget 2 mins later… most are just used to people picking up after them. But dude, I don’t wana wear a gas mask when I go outside!
Yeah… there are interesting cultural habits here that make me perturbed but I guess Hooters doesn’t really make me happy either.
Ok… well it’s time for me to get back to doing work for this WORDS competition. Hope alls well where ever you are… even if you’re freezing your bum off while I’m sweating here. Much rather be sweating though. I was in Paris with the fam for Christmas and while it was refreshing to breath fresh air for the first few hours, I gotta say I don’t miss the cold. But it’s always good to have the cold or rainy or gray days to appreciate these sunny hella hot days ;)
Miss yas. Peace.