Yeahh all this language learning and teaching and traveling is making me reminisce about so much and making me want to know all languages….now! Being here I’ve developed even more of an appreciation for my teachers of all kinds – my parents, all parents, my sibs, coaches, mestres, friends, teachers at school who’ve helped get me here and spent the time teach me the wonders of people, life, dance, art, music, rhetoric and communication… tools to see the world in a way that’s so my style. Yeah. Extraño uds mucho. Uds que puedo entenderme. Tengo multicultural withdrawal. Yo comí nachos en Jakarta sabado y en lugar salsa habia ketchup. Me gusta ketchup en mi ketchup pero con mis nachos… no gracias. Por supuesto lo comí pero no estaban nachos buenos. Pero! Habia algunos veces escuchamos Corazon Espinado y Oye Mi Canto en los antros aca. Woooo! Hey que bueno y un poco triste que estoy pensando en bahasa indo cuando yo trato a escribir en espanol. Pero mas que la comida extranio la gente y hay mucho aca como mercados, street performers/beggars, y siempre musica y danza. Toda la gente aca encanta chillin ;) supuestamente hay mucho gente que puede bailar salsa – hay muchos que quieren aprender. Mis professoras en mi escuela quieren que yo las ensene salsa. Oh! Y aprendi un poco de tango de mi amiga! Yeaaa.
E amanha eu vou a Capoeira en oa Universidad de nina, luka, lia e angga - mis primos y amigos. Eu estou muito emocionada! Emm eu estaba practicando mis movimientos en un antro se llama embassy - estaba R&B noite – yo comence? Uma roda de baila! Perdi poppin, lockin e breakin, pero tengo mis flips todavia :P
So… Ma, don’t get mad – I’ll translate this to you when I see you in a week for Imron’s wedding! Wooo! And any others – holler at me if you want to know wussup – I just need to practice mis lenguas – my languages. I don't think there is anyone I know that understands all of this. cool! ahm.
Turus...on my long rides to and from Jakarta I did a lot of thinking and as a result I’m giving some random shout outs. (man my music is so good that I got – como 500 lagu lagu/canciones 70 cents per CD). Anyway though – on to today – which was oh so groovy besides the 50 mosquito bites I just got from leaving my room door open! Arg. Ahm so today was the first day I formally taught lesson plans! For the past week I had been observing/being on the hot seat with 70million questions. You’d be surprised at some of the questions they gave me! About my thoughts on “Iraq aggression,” Muslims in America, who I’m dating, why I’m not married, if the guys are better in US or Indonesia, and if I will stay in Bandung forever. Haha! They’re pretty wonderful and instead of giving me any problems, they are making my day every day! I’m so lucky! After the 70million questions one of the teachers had asked them to write a paragraph about what they learned about me and some did just that while others actually wrote letters to me. Here are just a few quotes that make me smile: “In our class, she can make me happy and make situation not boring.” “She’s also dance with my friends. She looks so funny!” “mmm, are you thinking of moving to Bandung permanently, so I can study English with you.” Actually I met a tarot card reader the other day for free at this restaurant and with my basic understanding of Indonesian I learned that Indonesia is where my luck lies. I’m supposedly lucky in Bandung for this year, but after that Bandung will not be good for me. Apparently I will receive some great opportunity soon and I should stay in Indonesia because the US or any other country is not good for me. I’m sure she more eloquently said these things but with my Indo I only understood – good, bad, lucky. :P I mean who can turn down: “Overall, I’m really loves Jessica.” I’m really lovin it here, but really missing you all more than you know. Often times I wish you were here to experience this with me. Cheerio lads and lassies!
Pic. 2 - Something I drew/wrote during orientation. Fits my mood now.
Pic. 3 - Some of the boyz from SMA11 :)
2 komentar:
yo quero taco bell y chela
Dear Jess
I read about the awful earthquake in Indonesia, please can you let us all know you are safe?
Jamie x
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